Monday, May 24, 2010

First Days of Classes

Classes have begun! (baghd thalatha liauum!!) And I must admit, I'm having some trouble. I am the weakest in my class and at times it is very frustrating. Then I remember the reason I came here and what I expected. Given my experience with Arabic, I knew I could not expect to be the best. I knew it would be difficult and al-hamdulilah it is.

The past two days have been exhausting! I'm in class from 8am to about 2pm with 10min or 30min breaks in between. Kul fii arabia (all in arabic). In addition to that, there is approximately 3-4 hours of homework every school night. Yes, its a lot but isn't that the point? Many of my professors along with my host family say some things to me in English but most of my time spent is in arabi(for me, broken arabi). So overall, I have trouble but I will persevere.

Taxis are much easier for me to use now. Its still difficult for me to explain exactly where I live but I know recognize the area. As long as I am on the right street, I find my way home. It often requires some walking but I really enjoy find new parts of the city to explore when I have time insha'allah.

I don't know if I've just been lucky but all the Jordanians I've encountered have been very kind. I especially have good luck with taxi drivers. Our communication is riddled with broken language but it works.

I have reflected on so much in the past two days. From the student lounge I see the nothing but the expanding city in the horizon. If only my eyes could see beyond the horizon and into the expanding world. 20-30 years ago my exchange program would be unheard of, probably most Americans and Jordanians would not really know about each other. My life, the one which I experienced before my journey into Jordan, Arabic, and the realization of life's purpose, resides thousands of miles beyond what I see from my window. I would not change the beaten path which has led me here.

Tomorrow, classes are canceled for Jordanian Independence Day. This will be my first real day to explore the city and attain a better sense of culture.

Still no marriage proposals!

1 comment:

  1. Wow I'm so glad you are having so much fun!!!! I can somehow relate to the language barrier but that is what makes you want to learn faster :) Good luck and have fun tomorrow, don't make any life changing decisions :) remeber a visa is not a card :)
